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About INCA


Last updated: 02/19/2021 | 10h48

INCA is the body of the Ministry of Health responsible for the development and coordination of integrated actions in the prevention and control of cancer in Brazil. Those actions include hospital care provided directly and free of charge to cancer patients within Brazil's Unified Public Health System (SUS), and interventions in other strategic areas, such as prevention and early detection, training, research and epidemiological information. The Institute coordinates several national programs on cancer control and is equipped with the most modern public diagnostic imaging facility in Latin America.

In this section, institutional and organizational information of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA) is available, such as mission, strategic vision, values, competences, organizational structure, list of managers, opening hours and legislation about the Institute.


Promote cancer control through national integrated actions in prevention, care and research.

Strategic Vision

Fully perform its governmental role as an Integrated Center, distinguished nationally and internationally as a reference for care, teaching and research, with excellence in the development of public policies for the prevention and control of cancer, contributing to the welfare of populations.


  • Ethics and Transparency
  • Valorization of professionals
  • Humanization and Integrality
  • Respect
  • Social and environmental responsibility
  • Equity
  • Innovation
  • Excellence


It is up to the Brazilian National Cancer Institute:

I - participate in the formulation of the national cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment policy;

II - plan, organize, execute, manage, control and supervise plans, programs, projects and activities at national level related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer and like diseases;

III - carry out activities of training and capacity building at all levels (undergraduate and graduate level) in Oncology;

IV - coordinate, program and carry out clinical, epidemiological and experimental research in oncology and

V - provide medical care services to people with cancer and like diseases.

Source: Decree 8,901 of November 10, 2016, decree 9,320, of March 27, 2018 and Resolution No. 1,419 / GM / MS, of 06/08/2017 (art.137)

Organizational structure

Please download the organization chart (in Portuguese)

General Management and Administration

Hospital Units



Director-General: Ana Cristina Pinho Mendes Pereira
E-mail: ana.pinho@inca.gov.br
Phone: (+5521) 3207-1006 (secretary)
Address: Praça Cruz Vermelha, 23, 4th floor - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Chief of Cabinet: Eduardo Franco
E-mail: franco@inca.gov.br
Phone: (+5521) 3207-1103
Address: Praça Cruz Vermelha, 23, 4th floor - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Prevention and Surveillance Coordinator: Liz Almeida
E-mail: lalmeida@inca.gov.br
Phone: (+5521) 3207-5501
Address: Rua Marquês de Pombal, 125, 6th floor - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Cancer Care Coordinator: Gélcio Luiz Quintella Mendes
E-mail: glmendes@inca.gov.br
Phone: (21) 3207-1005
Address: Praça Cruz Vermelha, 23, 4th floor - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Research Unit Coordinator: Luis Felipe Ribeiro Pinto
E-mail: lfrpinto@inca.gov.br
Phone: (21) 3207- 6510 (secretary)
Address: Rua André Cavalcanti, 37 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Teaching Coordinator: Gustavo Francisco de Souza e Mello
E-mail: gmello@inca.gov.br
Telefone: (21) 3207-5958
Rua Marquês de Pombal, 125, 3rd floor - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

General Administration Coordinator: Ailse Rodrigues Bittencourt
E-mail: abittencourt@inca.gov.br
Phone: (21) 3207-5524 (secretary)
Address: Rua Marquês de Pombal, 125, 10th floor - Rio de Janeiro - RJ


Sources of information and technical publications about cancer are available in the INCA Integrated Libraries System (SIBI/INCA) and in the thematic area Prevention and Cancer Control of the Virtual Library on Health of the Ministry of Health. Here you can download our network of libraries (in Portuguese)


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